The Little Blue Mustang

The Little Blue Mustang
Theo's Dark Knight AKA Wayne.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How it all started

It all really started to become real for me when a good friend said "Hey look what I found?!" quickly followed by "We should get one!!!"
What she had found was the chance to adopt a wild mustang from the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. They were having an online auction and once approved you could bid on a horse that had been gathered off the park land.
Her and I spent several weeks looking at the weanling horses being offered at that time and it didn't take long for one little blue colt to catch my eye. After much nail biting and near homicidal refreshing of the facebook page where the auction was being held, I was the proud new owner of a wild mustang.
Horses have always been my life, since a small child I could direct any conversation to horses, my love for them, and future career in the equine industry. Much to the worry of my parents I went to college and walked away with a double major in equine science and horse technology. Even though I graduated with very high honors and would with great confidence tell you I was going to be a horse trainer, I had no clue.
I goofed around for several years getting horses to train off and on but never really making anything happen. I had another job that I was splitting my time with and seemed to be the focus of all my effort. I always struggled with working hard and putting 110% of myself into working for myself. Now working for others, no problem! I would kill myself giving it all I had for my employer, but for some reason for myself I struggled to get out of bed.
This little blue horse that came bolting out of the trailer and into my life would change all that for me. He forced me to get out there and work with him every day, he would teach me things no domestic horse ever could. And most importantly he opened my eyes to what I could do when I put the time and effort in.
Making a living in the horse world is not easy, but with the help of my little blue horse I know I can make it happen. This is an adventure I want to share because I spent much of my early adulthood privately doubting myself, so truly if I can do it, anyone with the dream and love for horses can do it too.