The Little Blue Mustang

The Little Blue Mustang
Theo's Dark Knight AKA Wayne.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wild at heart

My little blue horse and his half brother on their way home

There is something so special about a wild horse, or really a wild animal of any kind. It is not often that you get the chance to form a bond with a truly feral animal. Something more than just feeding it so it comes around, or being able to pet it every now and then. But to really have that animal trust you completely is a whole other experience. 

Theodore Roosevelt Nation Park

I am so thankful I was able to drive out and pick up the boys from the park. Getting to see where they are from and just how harsh and wild that place really is was amazing and eye opening. These wild mustangs live and die in that park. A lot of the foals born there don't live to adulthood. Not just the elements to contend with, the park is also home to predators that have taken young horses. While the park and the mustangs are managed they are truly wild animals.

Working with my mustang Wayne really opened a whole new world to me. I had started young horses before and have been riding since I was five. But working with Wayne gave me an honest assessment of my skills as a horse trainer. That information to me was priceless as I am starting my own horse training business, training horses is the skill I am asking people to pay me for so I best be good at it.
Mustangs in my mind are very honest horses, they have no bad habits and have no agenda other than survival. They give the person working them straight up honest real time feed back to your horsemanship. They were the teachers as much as I was the trainer.
Knowing your skill level in a service based business is vital, you don't have to be the best at what you do, however you have to be competent at it. Wayne was the horse that showed me I was and gave me the confidence to really put myself out in the world and show what I had to offer. 
Wayne pushed me into the most important part of starting a business: Just do it.

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